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Special Envoy on

Banking and Financial Investment Service

Tan Sri Dr. Chung Chou Wen

Tan Sri Dr. Chung Chou Wen, born in Taiwan, Diploma holder of School of Law, TsingHua University, Beijing and Certified International Investment Analysts.


Tan Sri Dr. Chung Chou Wen is an intelligent Chinese business magnate, investor, philanthropist, engineer, internet and technology entrepreneur. He is the founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Xin Wang international holdings, Taiwan since 2010. Xin Wang Group business focus on the cities which has the great potential for development, through the investment opportunities for cooperation, develops large-scale integrated real estate development case, including residential, hotel, retail and commercial properties, start more than 20 business projects in Taichung city, Kaohsiung city, Nantou Taiwan, and Vientiane, capital of Laos, Sihanoukville and Cambodia.  

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7 years ago, Tan Sri Dr. Chung Chou Wen had a fixed mind-set to have a business development within countries in South (Asia Countries). The ideal was similar to the New Southboard Policy from Taiwan 2016. During the past 7 years, Tan Sri Dr. Chung Chou Wen urged actions tremendously to develop in Laos, Cambodia & Malaysia. Since 2012 he had been appointed as Director of Laos Asian Studio Corp, Laos Hilton Holdings Group, Laos ASEAN Industrial Park, Laos Construction Bank. Meanwhile in Cambodia he was appointed as Director of GPK Entertainment, Cambodia, Director of XinZhongWei Real Estate Group, Cambodia and OKHNA of Cambodia (Royal Honor).


On top of that, he became the director of Garden City, Malacca University, Malaysia and Director of XinZhongWei Capital Holdings in 2016. He planned to contribute and invest into Malaysia education field to increase and build up a smart education city for Malaysian youth. Due to the amount of contributions to the nation, in the year 2016 Tan Sri Dr. Chung Chou Wen got the title as “ Datuk” Seri Sultan Ahmad Shah Pahang (SSAP), and the title of “ Tan Sri “ by His Majesty The King of Malaysia XV, Sultan Muhammad V, Darjah Kebesaran Panglima Setia Mahkota (P.S.M) in 2017.

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